The Nordic Night of the Ancient Fires
The Nordic Night of the Ancient Fires
August - September 2024

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Welcome to the August - September issue of this monthly newsletter—For those who are new here, my name is Henrik Totterman; I am the Finnish Honorary Consul for the City of Boston and the States of New England (MA, ME, NH, VT, RI).
Here is a summary of collected insights in this newsletter: an Upcoming October event on sustainable business solutions, a PISA ranking creativity update, the Trans-Atlantic Classroom Project, Finnish Ambassadorial Transition to the United States, Honorary Consular Networking, and plans to test New England’s best traditional Finnish sauna. Enjoy your NEF!

The Night of the Ancient Fires is an annual event celebrated primarily in the Finnish archipelago and along the coastlines of Sweden and Estonia, where bonfires are lit on the last Saturday of August. This tradition honors the historic practice of lighting coastal fires, which once served as beacons to guide seafarers to shore safely.
Economic and Trade Relationships

Doing Well by Doing Good: A Call for Sustainable Business Solutions
You may recall a call for engagement regarding an upcoming event from my previous newsletter. The event will dive into the forefront of sustainability and focus on sustainability, cleantech, and climate action. The date is now confirmed.
Join us for a dynamic gathering where innovators, experts, and enthusiasts will converge to explore cutting-edge solutions and strategies for sustainable business.
- Event name: Sustainable Business Solutions
- Time: Tuesday, October 29, 5:30-
- Organizers: The Honorary Consulate of Finland in New England, Hult International Business School Design Thinking Master’s Students, Consulate General of Finland, New York, and Finlandia Foundation Boston.

Education and Research
Following Finland’s strong performance in the PISA rankings last year, I was pleased to see that Finland is among the top-performing OECD countries in the PISA 2022 Creative Thinking assessment, which was released recently. The assessment evaluated the ability of 15-year-olds across participating countries to devise solutions for real-life problems. In Finland, students exhibited a strong capacity for creative thinking, with minimal differences in creative thinking skills across schools.
I was contacted recently by a Finnish high school English teacher regarding the Finnish National Agency for Education's Trans-Atlantic Classroom Project. After doing some research to understand the objectives better, I find the program both timely and inspiring. The program started a few years ago and is funded by the Finnish National Agency for Education and the U.S. Embassy in Finland, and it aims to enhance transatlantic collaboration between high schools in Finland and the United States (still to be formally announced for 2024-25).

Nantucket Harbor Lighthouse.
The Trans-Atlantic Classroom Project aims to:
- Promote the development of students and teachers' international competencies and language skills,
I hope we can all find ways to encourage these types of mobility and educational exchange programs as students, parents, educators, decision-makers, and sponsors. Gaining an international perspective and understanding are essential components of a healthy upbringing from an individual and societal perspective, so join me in encouraging this and similar activities that foster respectful international engagement.
Cultural Exchange and Public Diplomacy

A few weeks back, I hosted the previous Honorary Consul of Norway to New England, Terje Korsnes, his wife, and relatives on board Blue & White at Always Pleasant Cuttyhunk, MA. Terje and I share many interests, including sailing and seafood. I am especially fond of the fresh Arctic shrimp sourced from his company’s secret fishing contacts, and my father, who was visiting from Finland, clearly shared my culinary passion.

During the Labor Day weekend we got a chance to enjoy the company of Swedish friends, the René’s on board Blue & White. Magnus is a long-term board member of SACC-NE, the Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce in New England, whose board I used to serve on until a few years ago.

SACC-NE Board Member Magnus René with spouses at sunny Cuttyhunk, MA
Community Engagement
On Saturday, September 28, I plan to visit the Uljas Koitto Temperance Society, which claims to have New England’s best traditional Finnish sauna. I look forward to testing the sauna and its brand-new stove with friends and families from the Finnish School of New England.

Concluding Remarks
I hope you find the seventh issue of this newsletter insightful. Do you have any feedback or suggestions for content considering the above broad sections? Once I return from my Nordic summer vacation, the publishing date for my following newsletter is Sunday, September 29th.
All the best,

Honorary Consul of Finland to the City of Boston and the States of Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
The NEF—This newsletter is designed to build bridges between New England, Finland, and Scandinavia. It's the chart for our shared past, present, and future adventures. I created this newsletter based on popular demand among Finnish New Englanders, and I want to engage with you in trade, education, and cultural matters. This fourth edition marks a significant milestone. We are now a community of over 2400+ subscribers on Linkedin, with many more subscriptions to my email send-out and those following the blog. Share the link to this newsletter with anyone interested in building bridges between the Nordics and New England.
Selected Dates (for planning purposes):
- January: New Year's Day (Uudenvuodenpäivä): January 1.
- February: Shrove Tuesday (Laskiainen): February 13 (2024), Kalevala Day (Kalevala päivä): February 28th.
- March: Nordic Day (Nordens dag): March 23, Easter (Pääsiäinen) Mar 31 (2024).
- April-May: May Day (Vappu): April 30/May 1.
- June: Runon ja suven päivä (Day of Poetry and Summer): June 6, Helsinki Day (Helsingin päivä): June 12, Midsummer (Juhannus): weekend of June 24.
- July: Sleepyhead Day (Unikeonpäivä): July 27.
- August-September-October: Aleksis Kivi Day: October 10.
- November: All Saints' Day (Pyhäinpäivä): first Sat of November, Finnish Swedish Heritage Day (Ruotsalaisuuden päivä): November 6.
- December: Independence Day (Itsenäisyyspäivä): December 6, Jean Sibelius Day: December 8, Lucia Day: December 13, Christmas (Joulu): December 24.