How precisely did the 150 MIBs get to celebrate their unique program, #team, and individual-level success this afternoon? Answer: they were willing to step way out of their comfort zone to support each other and put "all in" for several weeks.
They fell in love with problems worth solving and learned to build explorative #business models for real-world execution. Today the MIBs presented, discussed, and received firsthand feedback from senior executives Jennifer von Briesen, Renu Chipalkatti, Bobbie Carlton, Antonio Corghi, Mirco Nonnoi, and Andrea Ridi. Significant milestone; once done celebrating, the journey continues, dear ladies and gentlemen.
Thanks, Sunddip Aguilar and Lauren O., your teaching assistance is impressive and much appreciated! Sara Abou Fakher, Barrett Ratzlaff, Keenan Beals, and the #Hult Boston team, thanks for your ongoing support! Great to have you join us, Dean Frederic Chartier, Kevin Murray and many others.